版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本
VIBER NETWORK Promo's Allowed:
SAKTO20 to 9999 (Smart) (Luzon only) (2 days) (no capping but with blocking)
SAKTO30 to 9999 (Smart) (Luzon only) (3 days) (no capping but with blocking)
AT10 (1 day, via e-load only) (no capping but with blocking)
AT60 (5 days) (no capping but with blocking)
VIBE NETWORK Promo's Allowed:
VIBE10 to 4545 (TNT) (Luzon only) (3 days) (200MB/day, no blocking)
VIBE15 to 4545 (TNT) (Luzon only) (5 days) (200MB/day, no blocking)
SC30 to 4545 (TNT) 3 days 4gb a day
Sun Fixed Load Plan 300 (Sun) (no capping, but with blocking) (in-case of blocking data will unblock after 12 hours)
FB PROMO NETWORK Promo's Allowed:
TU20 to 247 (Sun) (3 days) (no capping, no blocking) (in-case of blocking data will unblock after 12 hours)
TU50 to 247 (Sun) (10 days) (no capping, no blocking) (in-case of blocking data will unblock after 12 hours)
TU60 to 247 (Sun) (10 days) (no capping, no blocking) (in-case of blocking data will unblock after 12 hours)
TU150 to 247 (Sun) (30 days) (no capping, no blocking) (in-case of blocking data will unblock after 12 hours)
TU200 to 247 (Sun) (30 days) (no capping, no blocking) (in-case of blocking data will unblock after 12 hours)
TU300 to 247 (Sun) (30 days) (no capping, no blocking) (in-case of blocking data will unblock after 12 hours)
FB10 to 247 (Sun) (1 day) (no capping, no blocking) (in-case of blocking data will unblock after 12 hours)
FB20 to 247 (Sun) (3 days) (no capping, no blocking) (in-case of blocking data will unblock after 12 hours)
FB50 to 247 (Sun) (7 days) (no capping, no blocking) (in-case of blocking data will unblock after 12 hours)
GTM NETWORK Promo's Allowed:
TM HIGHACTIVE30 to 8080 ( 7 days ) ( 500 daily capping )
Globe GOSURF50 to 8080 + GOWATCH ( GS50 VIDEO to 8080 ( 3 days ) 3GB Capping.
Take Note:
Use your Eminence username and password.
Eminence VPN is made for Philippine use only.
You may use Eminence VPN for the purpose of securing your devices from hackers and also for the purpose of making your internet usage affordable.
You may also Visit our Official Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/EminencePHVPN
For Chat Support :
Thank you and Enjoy EminenceVPN on your devices.
Vincent Anthony Songco
Team VinzJen